Welcome to Fikrahub for Education
Select how you want to proceed with the platform.
Sign up as a Student
Sign up as a Expert
A few questions to tailor your experience.
What level of education are you in currently ?
A few questions to tailor your experience.
What do you want to achieve by using Fikrahub?
be part of a business centric community
Launch Startup
Generate business outcomes
Learn about business
Feedback on business idea
Connect with industry experts
A few questions to tailor your experience.
What fields of business are you most interested in?
A few questions to tailor your experience.
Select your area of expertise
Operations & Logistics
Human Recources
Graphic Design
Product Development & Design
A few questions to tailor your experience.
How would you rate your experience in providing online consultations?
Never done it before but I feel ready to start.
A few questions to tailor your experience.
What are your qualifications ?
A few questions to tailor your experience.
What are your availability preferences for consultations?
A few questions to tailor your experience.
What Is Your Professional Background ?
Add CV
You're almost there! Awaiting approval!
Our team is reviewing your request and will get back to you.